Our Science

Adenosine is a ubiquitous, naturally occurring compound that is one of the foundations of life. It is often produced in tissues under stress (e.g., hypoxia, trauma, infection). By binding to the four adenosine receptors (A1R, A2AR, A2BR, A3R), it modulates important functions such as cardiac rhythm, sleep, immune system response, metabolism, angiogenesis, and other cell functions.

Many drug companies have sought to exploit the effects of adenosine by either enhancing activation of the adenosine receptors or by blocking them. However, other than drugs that are intended for cardiac effects (Adenocard®, Adenoscan®), the utility of drugs targeted at non-cardiac effect has been limited by either the side effects related to lack of selectivity for the desired receptor or by the inability to design a molecule that can achieve high concentrations in the target tissues.

The promise of Adovate’s technology lies in our platform’s ability to generate novel, patentable compounds that (i) have selectivity for the desired receptor (i.e., avoid the cardiovascular and other undesired side effects) and (ii) have the physiochemical properties to achieve distribution in the body to the tissues needing treatment